
bright red Learn more about bright red

  • Bright red cinnabar spring sword

    Bright red cinnabar spring sword

    Bright red cinnabar; spring sword, traditional famous goods; one of the four famous flowers of Sichuan orchid, (snow orchid, bright red cinnabar, Longchangsu, dentin); safflower of red and white flowers White refers to Shirley, while red refers to bright red cinnabar. Dahong cinnabar is a traditional famous flower in Chengdu, which originated in the mountain area of Pengzhou. At the same time, it is also the modern income of our country.

  • Introduce three bright red commercial pears

    Introduce three bright red commercial pears

    The following three bright red commercial pears are the second generation superior varieties after Hongxiang Cake, which are jointly bred by China and New Zealand. 1, all over the sky red: mature in mid-September, single fruit weighs 294 grams, large 394 grams, nearly round or flat round, full fruit face rich red, color, looks like red apple, meat white, meat crisp, juicy sweet, high quality, etc., soluble solids content 12%, high yield. 2. Beauty cake: matured in mid-September, the fruit weighs about 200 grams and the maximum is 350 grams.

  • Foguang erythrin Jianlan

    Foguang erythrin Jianlan

    Jianlan Foguang lycopene: Leshan, Sichuan Province, with snakeskin spots, twisted leaf tail, bright red buds, green flower stalks out of shelves, outer petal green such as jade, holding petal porcelain white with red compound wheel, tongue will change from light red to bright red, from bright red to deep red, from crimson to purple red, and the flowers are very large.

  • Beautiful crisp bright red commercial pear

    Beautiful crisp bright red commercial pear

    Jointly bred by China and New Zealand (Xingshui × Torch) is a sister line variety that is red all over the sky. It matures in mid-September. The fruit generally weighs about 200 grams, with a maximum of 350 grams, oval shape, yellowish white background, comprehensive bright red color, and extremely beautiful appearance. It is of high quality near full red, white flesh, tender and crisp flesh, extremely juicy, sour and sweet taste, high quality, small core and no stone cells. Soluble solids content 11.3% Mel 12.2%, good storability, high fruit setting rate, very high yield, is a bright red commodity

  • Tips for keeping the red lotus petal bright

    Tips for keeping the red lotus petal bright

    Tips for keeping the red lotus petal bright

  • How does the succulent rainbow jade grow bright red? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? What is the difference between rainbow jade brocade and rainbow jade brocade?

    How does the succulent rainbow jade grow bright red? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention? What is the difference between rainbow jade brocade and rainbow jade brocade?

    Rainbow jade as a kind of crassulaceae succulent plant is deeply sought after by the majority of succulent plants. If rainbow jade is planted well, the color will be very red, and it is precisely because of the red color of rainbow jade that it attracts many succulent enthusiasts. How does the rainbow jade grow bright red? Culture methods and

    2020-11-11 Succulent rainbow jade how raise bright red culture methods and
  • How to raise the function of red thousand layers? The color is bright and red.

    How to raise the function of red thousand layers? The color is bright and red.

    Red thousand layer is a kind of plant that shows green meaning in a year. Red thousand layer likes to grow in a humid environment, and its color is bright, so it has high ornamental value. Then I do not know that flower friends also know what the use of red thousand layers is? 1...

  • The culture method of red-lipped orchid brings a touch of bright red to the home.

    The culture method of red-lipped orchid brings a touch of bright red to the home.

    The culture method of red-lipped orchid brings a touch of bright red to the home.

  • What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

    What is the language of red roses? what does red roses mean?

  • Red Xiangfei Jianlan

    Red Xiangfei Jianlan

    Hong Xiang Fei is a traditional inscription of orchid flowers. The original flower has three peach petals, the heart is light red, the middle bone is also red, and the stalk is very bright green. The flowers are fragrant and strong, and they are planted naturally. The red fragrant concubine is the four seasons orchid inscription, the leaf erect type, the leaf tail has the deep sweep tail art, the new seedling first bright art is very beautiful, after the adult plant naturally changes sweeps the tail art, the flower blooms bright red,.

  • The best indoor flowers, green leaves, bright red flowers are beautiful and edible.

    The best indoor flowers, green leaves, bright red flowers are beautiful and edible.

    Now more and more people like to keep some flowers at home, not only to watch and decorate the home, but also to purify the air and cook. Today, Hua'er will introduce a kind of flower that is most suitable for indoor maintenance, evergreen all the year round.

  • Where do the bright red lip flowers grow? Is it poisonous? How to plant it?

    Where do the bright red lip flowers grow? Is it poisonous? How to plant it?

    Lip flower, as its name implies, is a kind of flower whose shape is very similar to sexy and attractive lips. With its bright red color and peculiar shape, people can't help but sigh at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature. So, where do lip flowers grow? Is it poisonous? Such as

    2020-11-09 Color fresh red lips peanuts grow in where it
  • Cutting propagation method of Photinia rubra how to prune branches and leaves of Photinia rugosa

    Cutting propagation method of Photinia rubra how to prune branches and leaves of Photinia rugosa

    Photinia rugosa may be strange to many people. In fact, it can be seen everywhere in our city. It is a kind of ornamental plant with red leaves, bright colors and beautiful colors. As soon as you hear the name and its unique red color, you will give it.

    2020-11-08 Red leaves heather cuttings propagation methods how pruning branches and leaves
  • New varieties of apricot and plum

    New varieties of apricot and plum

    The flavor rose is the earliest American red flesh type apricot and plum hybrid variety. Its fruit is flat and round, the fruit is purple-black, the fruit surface is bright and bright, the fruit is very beautiful, the flesh is bright red, fragrant and sweet, and the quality is excellent. The soluble solids content is 17.2%, the fruit weight is 100120g, the fruit ripening period is in mid-late May, and the fruit development period is 80rel 85 days. The variety grows vigorously. The branching ability of branches is strong, and a large number of flower buds can be formed in the same year.

  • It's easy to raise Anthurium andraeanum in this way to water and fertilize the leaves, dark green, oil, bright blossom, red like fire.

    It's easy to raise Anthurium andraeanum in this way to water and fertilize the leaves, dark green, oil, bright blossom, red like fire.

    Anthurium andraeanum is an indoor flower that many flower friends and families like to grow. Because her leaf shape is beautiful, the leaf is emerald green, the flower is bright red like fire is loved by people, put on living room several, bedroom window, red and green contrast, match with high-grade flower.

  • Where do the bright red lip flowers grow? Is it poisonous? How to plant it?

    Where do the bright red lip flowers grow? Is it poisonous? How to plant it?

    Lip flower, as its name implies, is a kind of flower whose shape is very similar to sexy and attractive lips. With its bright red color and peculiar shape, people can't help but sigh at the miraculous craftsmanship of nature. So, where do lip flowers grow? Is it poisonous? How to plant it? Where do lip flowers grow?

  • How many years does camellia bear fruit?

    How many years does camellia bear fruit?

    Camellia, also known as Camellia, is the general name of many plants and horticultural varieties of Theaceae and Camellia. The petals are bowl-shaped, divided into single or double, single camellias are mostly primitive flowers, double camellias can have as many as 60 petals. So, how many years does camellia bear fruit? First, how many camellias

    2020-11-08 Camellia several years the result camellia again famous mountain is family
  • A new variety of American red meat apricot plum

    A new variety of American red meat apricot plum

    Apricot plum is a new fruit obtained by complex hybridization between apricot and plum. Its fruit has rich aroma, excellent flavor, and has the excellent characteristics of large fruit, early fruiting, high yield, stable yield, long harvest time, fruit storage resistance, strong adaptability, high economic value and so on. The market of red-meat apricot plum is very rare and the cultivation benefit is very high. this paper introduces three new varieties of American red-meat apricot plum with different mature stages. First, flavor roses. The earliest American red-fleshed apricot-plum hybrid variety has flat fruit, purple-black ripe fruit and bright fruit surface.

  • What are the varieties of koi?

    What are the varieties of koi?

    What are the varieties of koi?

  • How can Anthurium andraeanum flowers be watered to find a way to blossom brightly? can you raise them indoors?

    How can Anthurium andraeanum flowers be watered to find a way to blossom brightly? can you raise them indoors?

    Original title: how to water red palm flowers and find a way to blossom brightly? can they be bred indoors? Abstract: how should red palm flowers be preserved? then there will always be yellow leaves in red palm flowers, we just need to find out the reason.
